Mammoths, Giant rats, minature elephants, hobbits and the like
I just had to post about this.
The discussion in the office this afternoon, revolved around the idea of bringing back the Whooly Mammoth, and progressed to the magical island Flores, where scientists have found the remains of Dwarf elephants (about the size of a buffalo), Rodents of Unusual Size (about 1 meter), hobbit sized people and komodo dragons.
A little background info may be requierd. Around the office, or at least in the creative department I have become known as the "did you know guy", or the FYI guy and other names of the sort. Because when an idea pops into my head, or a topic is brought up that interests me, or poses a question, i always find it nesacary yo look into it (like how coffee beans are not beans...its true)
these research expeditions can sometimes last a matter of minutes, or get spread out throughout the day, they can even occasionally last for days.
But not only do i research new topics, i also retain a vast amount of random facts and tidbits. so topics can easily seque into other bizzar and entertaining if not informative veins.
So from a random conversation to cloneing the mammoth. My coworker didnt belive me that they could do it, but was amazed when i told him that they had found a frozen mammoth in Siberia or the like...not amazed that it had happend, but at the fact that i knew about it.
And the next hour was spent inbetween working, discussing mammoths and how the word is decieving because it doesnt acctually mean big at all. (another topic to be sure), how we could/should bring them back, and then onto the island of misfits, which was also somthing i had prior knowledge of, the grolar bear, a cross between a polar bear and a grizzly (which has happend in captivity but only ever found once in the wild), the strange creature found in Maine this summer that looks liek a warewolf, and the awsomeness of bioluminescent animals.
Anyway, it all led to some humorous disscusions, comments and jomes...even reaching a climax when a coworker who sits literally 5 feet away from me, called my phone to tell me to shut up about polar bears.
I hope i might have raised your interest in strange and bizzar topics, and I encourage you to research things to thier full conclusion, so you too can be know as the office FYI guy...or gal
The discussion in the office this afternoon, revolved around the idea of bringing back the Whooly Mammoth, and progressed to the magical island Flores, where scientists have found the remains of Dwarf elephants (about the size of a buffalo), Rodents of Unusual Size (about 1 meter), hobbit sized people and komodo dragons.
A little background info may be requierd. Around the office, or at least in the creative department I have become known as the "did you know guy", or the FYI guy and other names of the sort. Because when an idea pops into my head, or a topic is brought up that interests me, or poses a question, i always find it nesacary yo look into it (like how coffee beans are not beans...its true)
these research expeditions can sometimes last a matter of minutes, or get spread out throughout the day, they can even occasionally last for days.
But not only do i research new topics, i also retain a vast amount of random facts and tidbits. so topics can easily seque into other bizzar and entertaining if not informative veins.
So from a random conversation to cloneing the mammoth. My coworker didnt belive me that they could do it, but was amazed when i told him that they had found a frozen mammoth in Siberia or the like...not amazed that it had happend, but at the fact that i knew about it.
And the next hour was spent inbetween working, discussing mammoths and how the word is decieving because it doesnt acctually mean big at all. (another topic to be sure), how we could/should bring them back, and then onto the island of misfits, which was also somthing i had prior knowledge of, the grolar bear, a cross between a polar bear and a grizzly (which has happend in captivity but only ever found once in the wild), the strange creature found in Maine this summer that looks liek a warewolf, and the awsomeness of bioluminescent animals.
Anyway, it all led to some humorous disscusions, comments and jomes...even reaching a climax when a coworker who sits literally 5 feet away from me, called my phone to tell me to shut up about polar bears.
I hope i might have raised your interest in strange and bizzar topics, and I encourage you to research things to thier full conclusion, so you too can be know as the office FYI guy...or gal