Mammoths, Giant rats, minature elephants, hobbits and the like
I just had to post about this.
The discussion in the office this afternoon, revolved around the idea of bringing back the Whooly Mammoth, and progressed to the magical island Flores, where scientists have found the remains of Dwarf elephants (about the size of a buffalo), Rodents of Unusual Size (about 1 meter), hobbit sized people and komodo dragons.
A little background info may be requierd. Around the office, or at least in the creative department I have become known as the "did you know guy", or the FYI guy and other names of the sort. Because when an idea pops into my head, or a topic is brought up that interests me, or poses a question, i always find it nesacary yo look into it (like how coffee beans are not beans...its true)
these research expeditions can sometimes last a matter of minutes, or get spread out throughout the day, they can even occasionally last for days.
But not only do i research new topics, i also retain a vast amount of random facts and tidbits. so topics can easily seque into other bizzar and entertaining if not informative veins.
So from a random conversation to cloneing the mammoth. My coworker didnt belive me that they could do it, but was amazed when i told him that they had found a frozen mammoth in Siberia or the like...not amazed that it had happend, but at the fact that i knew about it.
And the next hour was spent inbetween working, discussing mammoths and how the word is decieving because it doesnt acctually mean big at all. (another topic to be sure), how we could/should bring them back, and then onto the island of misfits, which was also somthing i had prior knowledge of, the grolar bear, a cross between a polar bear and a grizzly (which has happend in captivity but only ever found once in the wild), the strange creature found in Maine this summer that looks liek a warewolf, and the awsomeness of bioluminescent animals.
Anyway, it all led to some humorous disscusions, comments and jomes...even reaching a climax when a coworker who sits literally 5 feet away from me, called my phone to tell me to shut up about polar bears.
I hope i might have raised your interest in strange and bizzar topics, and I encourage you to research things to thier full conclusion, so you too can be know as the office FYI guy...or gal
The discussion in the office this afternoon, revolved around the idea of bringing back the Whooly Mammoth, and progressed to the magical island Flores, where scientists have found the remains of Dwarf elephants (about the size of a buffalo), Rodents of Unusual Size (about 1 meter), hobbit sized people and komodo dragons.
A little background info may be requierd. Around the office, or at least in the creative department I have become known as the "did you know guy", or the FYI guy and other names of the sort. Because when an idea pops into my head, or a topic is brought up that interests me, or poses a question, i always find it nesacary yo look into it (like how coffee beans are not beans...its true)
these research expeditions can sometimes last a matter of minutes, or get spread out throughout the day, they can even occasionally last for days.
But not only do i research new topics, i also retain a vast amount of random facts and tidbits. so topics can easily seque into other bizzar and entertaining if not informative veins.
So from a random conversation to cloneing the mammoth. My coworker didnt belive me that they could do it, but was amazed when i told him that they had found a frozen mammoth in Siberia or the like...not amazed that it had happend, but at the fact that i knew about it.
And the next hour was spent inbetween working, discussing mammoths and how the word is decieving because it doesnt acctually mean big at all. (another topic to be sure), how we could/should bring them back, and then onto the island of misfits, which was also somthing i had prior knowledge of, the grolar bear, a cross between a polar bear and a grizzly (which has happend in captivity but only ever found once in the wild), the strange creature found in Maine this summer that looks liek a warewolf, and the awsomeness of bioluminescent animals.
Anyway, it all led to some humorous disscusions, comments and jomes...even reaching a climax when a coworker who sits literally 5 feet away from me, called my phone to tell me to shut up about polar bears.
I hope i might have raised your interest in strange and bizzar topics, and I encourage you to research things to thier full conclusion, so you too can be know as the office FYI guy...or gal
Who the hell are you trying to kid? You weren't working, you were doing research and elightening us on facts and tidbits.
There WAS work in the midst of it all, plus there was the 30 minute meeting that interupted the HA
No, I agree with Creative Genius...I was made dumber by having to listen to that conversation. Though, come to think of it, this might actually help my work...hhhuaaaah
I'm so going to kick your ass...
Hey - writing workshops in Feb...YOU IN? Thursdays.
Pretty good post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts.Any way Ill be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon.
Your words are so influential which really make an impact on the readers. Your composing comes from you soul just where it should be. I can’t wait to read more from you.
2019.11.19台北市知名酒店經紀內幕指出:王姓女子與李姓女子以「在酒店上班賺錢最快,也可以獲取高薪」宣傳酒店打工手法,引誘3名未滿18歲少女加入旗下擔任酒店小姐,還提供住宿並帶少女到「造型概念館」挑選禮服及安排專人化妝後 ,再以她們需酒店上班賺錢償還妝髮、禮服、包鞋等治裝費用為由,帶往酒店工作陪酒從中牟利。檢調調查,39歲的王女從事媒介旗下小姐至酒店坐檯陪酒,以抽取傭金的酒店經紀人工作,明知不得招募大學生酒店兼職、引誘、容留、 媒介、協助、利用或以他法使少女坐檯陪酒或涉及色情之伴遊、伴唱、伴舞、顏射(精子射在臉上) 、口交口爆(精子射在嘴裡) 、戴套肛交進行交易專業精緻化等行為,竟意圖營利,先以無償提供套房住宿、替你買單支付名牌物品及餐費等條件作為報酬,聘僱具相同犯意的24歲李女(綽號「達達」、「金達達」、「卡比」)擔任其助理,負責招募上班族酒店兼職來當酒店小姐、代向各酒店收取旗下小姐坐檯陪酒薪水、擔任司機接送小姐上下班。期間少女每坐檯陪酒1檯1小時,由店家支付850元或900元不等薪資,少女1檯1小時皆實領600元,其餘均為經紀人所得傭金,酒店則另向男客收取包廂費及酒水等費用。檢方指出,王女、李女所為,均係犯違反兒童及少年性剝削防制條例之意圖營利引誘、媒介、協助少女坐檯陪酒罪嫌,被告媒介少女坐檯陪酒利潤為每人每檯250元、每人每天保守以5檯計算約1250元,王女媒介少女陪酒日數約40天,經估算後犯罪所得共計約5萬元,建請院方依法宣告沒收。
梁曉尊來幫你解答: 酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?
再來普羅大眾網路PTT時常發問: 酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?如果真的要應徵酒店小姐 有什麼要注意的?要如何保護自己?
梁曉尊再教你另一種保護自己的方式: 透過Google搜尋酒店經紀的名稱,是否有相關事業! 。如果只是看到漂亮的網頁 ,但沒有任何內容也別輕易相信(因為很多不肖酒店人士,透過假網頁做非法之事)共同點 經紀人名稱Google搜尋不到,更沒有本人照片(女孩們千萬要特別注意)。
一、鋼琴酒吧: 【酒店小姐】【酒店公關】工作服務內容除一般的桌服外就是喝酒聊天 但這種店型酒會喝的比較多一點 因為這種店型的主要消費就是酒錢酒店小姐酒店公關酒店上班到底都在做麼?所以希望小姐可以有銷酒的功能 因為這種類型屬較單純的 客人來這消費也主要是白領階級較多 客層很單純!!小姐著自己的便服有分午晚場~公檯的方式 日薪大概2000~4000不等
二、禮服店:是著禮服 班別午晚場 有幾家店是有一套固定的禮服 或要妳要自備一件!價位大概在1500~3000不等!這種店型是要看檯的 也就是會有看檯的壓力!所以這樣店型的小姐建議外型上要比較打扮亮麗一點 比較有上檯的機會!
三、便服店:小姐素質都比較高質感 外型上大部分都是黑長直髮高瘦型的優質小姐 著便服 當然有很多人都說便服店都會有拼框的壓力...當然 一樣如同上所說 妳只要比別人用心 也不會有賺不到錢的壓力了!!上班的時間是21:00~03:00。所以不要覺得好像要來這行上班一定要多漂亮或是身材要多好基本上~只要你不胖(有點肉也沒關係)經過打扮後都是可以上班很順利的
1.只要不過胖都可以試試 高矮不重要 重要是身材比例(如身高減110左右 是標準身材)
2.酒量問題可以克服 (如閃酒 吐酒 擋酒和耍賴等很多方法)
3.建議妳來台北試試 畢竟是首善之區 消費能力較強 比較有機會賺到錢 不會坐冷板凳做白工
4.建議妳去看看台北的禮服店 不用治裝費 不脫不秀
5.傾聽也是好手挽 若妳能讓客人打開話夾子更好 男人來消費就是暫時想找到自己的舞台 其他手挽再慢慢學習
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