Jesus Christ Superstar
I was very privilaged to be able to go to the recent production of JCSS last month.
It featured Ted Neely, the guy who played Jesus in the 1973 movie.
He is now 64 years old but man can he sing.
There were times where you could tell he lacked the power he once did,and it might have been preferable to have a younger person that would fit in with the age of the majority of the cast, but it was still such a treat to see him on his "farewell tour"
Plus Judas as played by Corey Glover from Living Colour was freaking cool...kept waiting for him to break out in "cult of personality"
Herod was awsome, probaly close to the best part of the show.
I was not as pleased with Pilot. I have always loved his parts, small though they are. So i suppose I was a little more critical.
It was a great show, I have been wanting to see it live for years but never had the chance before. And the fact that I was 5th row was pretty damn cool.
So yeah. if you ever get a chance to see JCSS do your self a favor and do it.
It featured Ted Neely, the guy who played Jesus in the 1973 movie.
He is now 64 years old but man can he sing.
There were times where you could tell he lacked the power he once did,and it might have been preferable to have a younger person that would fit in with the age of the majority of the cast, but it was still such a treat to see him on his "farewell tour"
Plus Judas as played by Corey Glover from Living Colour was freaking cool...kept waiting for him to break out in "cult of personality"
Herod was awsome, probaly close to the best part of the show.
I was not as pleased with Pilot. I have always loved his parts, small though they are. So i suppose I was a little more critical.
It was a great show, I have been wanting to see it live for years but never had the chance before. And the fact that I was 5th row was pretty damn cool.
So yeah. if you ever get a chance to see JCSS do your self a favor and do it.
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