I Like Plants
Between My girlfriend and I we now have - 3 differant cacti, an Aloe Vera plant, a Holiday "cactus", a venus flytrap, a spider plant, and a mystery tree I got from work.
I love taking care of them and finding out about them. My Venus flytrap is already starting to grow new traps, and they are bright vibrant red.
I am in the process of getting a couple new plants soon.
The only problem is the lack of good lighted room in our house.
One of the most interesting things I have learned about is a type of plant called a
Basically these plants can not survive without human interaction. they almost never go to seed and when they do they are usually not viable. they only grow and spread through cuttings.
I like the idea of a mutual almost symbiotic relationship with a plant. Its seems almost spiritual.
I am hoping to atain a cultigen in the next month or so. I cant wait.