2007...Forget the pig.
its now 2007. This is supposed to be the year of the pig...I say forget that bunk...its 2-007...double oh seven...thats right its the year of the BOND.
I think they should have delayed the release of the new Bond movie Casino royale by like 10 months and released it July 7th 2007. 070707. that would have been sweet,..just like instead of 2007 they should have got off thier ass and released the transformers movie in 2005 (the very begining of the old movie says "it is the year 2005")
so i pledge to watch every james bond movie in 2007....maybe...probly not
so 2007. I think i am acctually going to make an attempt at resolutions for the first time in my life.
I have a list of things to do less, and a list of things to do more.
- swear less
- complain less
- spend less
- Excercise more
- Write for myself more
- Better manage my time...uh...more
never been a big resolutions guy, but there are certain things i wish to accomplish this year, so maybe i should give it a go.
I have acctualy compiled a giant list of things i want to get done in 2007. around the house, financialy, in life, etc. the list has less items then weeks, so all i have to do is get one of these major things done every week and i'm laughing.
...more to come
I think they should have delayed the release of the new Bond movie Casino royale by like 10 months and released it July 7th 2007. 070707. that would have been sweet,..just like instead of 2007 they should have got off thier ass and released the transformers movie in 2005 (the very begining of the old movie says "it is the year 2005")
so i pledge to watch every james bond movie in 2007....maybe...probly not
so 2007. I think i am acctually going to make an attempt at resolutions for the first time in my life.
I have a list of things to do less, and a list of things to do more.
- swear less
- complain less
- spend less
- Excercise more
- Write for myself more
- Better manage my time...uh...more
never been a big resolutions guy, but there are certain things i wish to accomplish this year, so maybe i should give it a go.
I have acctualy compiled a giant list of things i want to get done in 2007. around the house, financialy, in life, etc. the list has less items then weeks, so all i have to do is get one of these major things done every week and i'm laughing.
...more to come
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2020.08.09不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因我很慶我幸身為一個女人。也很慶幸我是一個打扮起來還不差的女人。十八歲生日沒有狂歡沒有慶祝。酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容在網路上找了間經紀公司,當天下午就開始上班。我在酒店上班的日子年輕的肉體再加上尚未染上風塵的氣質,很快我成了店裡的紅牌。下午茶玩的是什麼? 酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?酒店晚上營業,下午時段店家場地借給午茶,就是在那樣的小包廂裡,一個客人一個小姐,大約五十分鐘的時間,就看小姐怎麼讓客人在這短短的時間小小的包廂裡喜歡上自己。酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?有客人喜歡,才會有指台,酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?才會有預約。中午十二點上班,晚上八、九點下班,換了衣服卸了妝,身邊沒有人發現我的工作特殊。一樣的一天八小時,每上一台我可以領個一千。或許吧!有的人覺得我出賣身體、出賣靈魂。但是我寧可出賣這些,也不想過像我的父母那樣的生活,那樣捉襟見肘的生活,那樣跟西家借錢還東家的生活,那樣無止盡為錢爭吵的生活,那樣要躲在家裡不出聲不開燈以免被發現的生活,那樣連感冒想去藥局買個成藥都要惦量惦量的生活。還記得工作第一個禮拜,我領了兩萬多的薪水。那些扣除林林總總後居然還有這樣多!這是我第一次拿著那麼多錢,我好想大聲地告訴我的父母,我會賺錢了,若是時光回溯,我是不是就可以幫上你們的忙了?大約過了兩三個月,一開始覺得「領好多錢」的感覺也沖淡了。開始審視自己要的是什麼?我想要有一個家,一個完完全全屬於我的家,一個不用因為繳不出房租被房東趕的家。於是我不再是那個滿足於一個禮拜領個三萬左右的女孩。
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