Friday, November 10, 2006

F***'n Trilogys

Why does everything have to be a trilogy?

Okay so there's the saying good things come in three's. I'm okay with that. I agree with it, there are plenty of great 3's in the world' and in fact i am a big fan of many of them. movies, books, sexual gatherings (the F+F+M kind, none of that F+M+M nonsense)
lots of goodness to be had for all in the pressence of 3.

Some of my fave things are in fact trilogys:

Movies: lord of the rings (this fits in the book catagory too), x-men, star wars (original of course), die hard, indianna jones.

Books: Lord of the rings, darksword, shannara books

but seriously, the trilogy has become so cliche. its over done.

I bought a new book a few weeks ago ( i bought a few but i am talking about one specificall).
Its from an author i know and love, at first glance it was a stand alone novel, removed from his main line of books. then i thought it was part of a smaller series. then i thought it was stand alone again. then it acctually turns out to be a bridge to link both. so thats cool. So i'm all settled in for a good read, ready for an awsome stand alone story.


do a little more research...and its another freaking trilogy. Now this man provided me with one of my fave trilogys (although the can be read seperately), and has writtena couple others. but seriously. i HATE least have the common curtasy to say "book 1 of 3" on the cover or somthing, so i can buy the book, and put it on the shelf untill the set is done and i can read them all in one go without having to wait 2 years inbetween books.

at least i know with this author it will be only a couple years, i have been waiting for a 4th book in a series, that book 3 ended on a cliffhanger for 4 years and counting.



just write one big freaking book, release them all at the same time, warn me, or DO SOMETHING DIFFERANT FOR ONCE.

I may love your books, but not everything has to come in threes. even if i have previosuly mentiond that i really enjoy them.

"Sail Away Sweet Sister"


Blogger Dare said...

I hear you. I always say that anticipation is everything, but it pisses me off when I have to wait forever for the next installment. By then, I have stopped caring about the characters and forgotten the details and then I have to go back and read the first book over again - JUST WRITE THEM and release them ALL AT ONCE.
ooh - saw you on the way to RD yesterday...didn't realize it was you till we had passed. (late wave)

9:24 AM  
Blogger m.bradford said...

Its all about the Benjamins my friend. Not the Benjamin Siskos of Deep Space Nine but money. Thanks to Star Wars and LOTR, any company who has one big product now sees green in the idea of splitting that up in three to be 'epic'. I'm with you on the F**ing trilogies. Its almost lazy - for Tolkien I can understand it. It was a long story. But I have a feeling authors and directors are being pressured to stretch things out

9:30 AM  
Blogger m.bradford said...

and did you hear? The Hobbit is being made... in two movies!!

9:30 AM  
Blogger m.bradford said...

Whoo hoo! My Comment was a trilogy!

9:31 AM  
Blogger Creative Freakin' Genius said...

I concur with your assessment of the Trilogy. Some stories call for it, others don't.

Where oh where are the trilogy police when you need them....

10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh... My... God

10:58 AM  
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7:07 PM  
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3:01 PM  

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