Friday, October 20, 2006

as it begins.

this will be a new attempt at holding a blog, i have had a couple differant ones for differant reasons...the first was for therapy (self imposed just so you know) the second for bordem reliefe.

this one will be for my writing. i have mention elsewhere that i want to start writing for myself more than i have, and this was recomended as a way to start doing that. so here we are.

I will start by explaining my name and the title of the blog aswell as what many of my individuel posts will be titled. I have been reading the phenominal Sandman comics from Neil Gaiman. They have influenced and inspired me in a number of ways and continue to do so. They are so high up on my list of best things I have ever read. Dark, witty, smart, deep, fantastical among other things. all in all GREAT.
I knew i would like these "comics" long before i ever read even a line in any of them. these books have won so many awards and inspired so many people. I tell everyone about them.
I love comics, i love the xmen and spiderman and all of that. but they are so repetative in so many ways. and they just keep going..which is way to big of an investmant for me. esentially the superhero stories are the equivilent of masterbation in comic book form. pure fantastical fluff..fully enjoyable and entertaining but of little substance in the grand scheme of things.
The sandman comics have deeper characters and stories, which just seem so much more interesting and i dont know solid. maybe its the darker art (as opposed to the bright comic colours) or that fact that they are over and done with and not a character that has been around for 50 years that we all know the story of. (ala spiderman)
So yeah, i love the sandman comics, and neil gaimans stuff in general, its my current obsession in the comic world (that and early 90's super hero trading cards) so thats what alot of things will be in referance to. dont worry if you dont get it, you can always ask me to explain somthing further.

anyways. this blog will be full of random thought, museings, rants, essays and stories. I am a writer by trade, but dont write enough for personal value outside of work, so I will eventually post some short stories here along the way.

"How would you feel about life if Death was your older sister?"


Anonymous chongqing Sichuan China said...

Hey congrats on the new posting come out
btw i love your blog although i have just stumbled upon it =)
Love the new pictures you got there! I would love some feedback on my site Chongqing China when you got time.

3:26 AM  
Anonymous Xian City said...

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3:27 AM  
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10:30 PM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...


12:45 PM  
Anonymous Dominic B said...

Very nice blog youu have here

2:32 AM  

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