Monday, November 06, 2006

Weapons of mass distraction

Okay, to the point. I admit I am horrible at keeping up with "responsibilities"

the main thing keeping me from you will also be what brings me to you with greater ease in the future.

That thing? A BRAND SPANKING NEW SUPER AWSOME COMPUTER. So yeah thats been taking up a lot of my time, setting it up, figureing everything out and generally basking in its greatness....what can i say, i'm a "21st century digital boy".(awsome song that i forgot all about untill today)

So yesterday was Guy Fawkes day. i hope it was "explosivly" good for you. Its funny, i just watched V for vendetta on Saturday, the day before the day that the movie revolves that was pretty cool, cause i had no idea that V had anything to do with GF or November the 5th in general.

So today's topic is crimes against state and such. and why they always seem to happen at the wrong time, and never at the times that could prove wholly benificial.

Now dont get me wrong this is NOT an endorsment for assasination or murder or conspiracys or anything like that.
but just look at all the murders and assasination attempts on presidents, kings, dictators and such. who lives and who dies? The presidents that were assasinated were some of the greatest men in history who did so much good, such as good ol Abe Lincoln. Tsar Nicholas, not really that bad, John Lennon, a musical genious, Gahndi..the most peacful man in the world, beloved by millions.

Then there is those that have gone thier entire contorversial reigns and never even been attempted in point...Bush... he is hated by most of the world and even most of his own country. Public oppinion of the united states has dropped drastically, and global perception leans heavely towards fear and terror...yet no one has even tried to take him out? I just dont understand.

Once again, i dont think this should be done, we can put up with him for 2 more years (hopefully the world lasts that long) but why do these people always seem to aim for the good guys?

The great people of the world are destroyed and those that destroy go do greatly terrible things to the world.


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