Thursday, October 26, 2006

Stolen time


its certainly a funny thing. Somthing I have been having troubles finding recently. But i cant figure it out.

Once upon a time i was working 2 retail jobs. approximetly 13-15 hours 3 days a week and 8 hour 2 days, plus 8 hours every

Currently I have been working 2 differant jobs. so start to finish of work day 2-3 days a week 13-15 hours and 2 days 8 hours. and NO weekends. so i should have MORE time than i did back then.

But i never feel like i have enough time to get anything done. so my question is, where has my time gone?

Yes i have a girlfriend that i talk to all the time on the phone now, but that still doesnt account for the lack of time. I play LESS video games, watch less movies,read less and hang out with friends less (cause they all moved to go to school) yet i never have any time to get stuff done around the house. I just dotn understand.

And i love the job that i am at full time, unlike when i was miserable alot of the time a couple years ago.

from what i have heard this is a common problem for alot of people. as we get old we have less and less time.

So i propose a theory (or 2)

Some kind of alien or government agency has found away to capture and store time, so they are stealing it from everyone in the world and stockpiling it for diabolical reasons that we may never understand. or
Its just because we keep adding more and more things to our to do list, so it just feels like less time, when in fact it is just more stuff.

personaly i think the first reason is more likley.

what do you think? and if anyone can think of a way to get our stolen time back let me know.


Blogger m.bradford said...

Personally, I think time is a state of mind. So is sleep. Videogames should ne'er be sacrficed for anything. I say - play videogames with your girlfriend...during work...while sleeping. Same with TV.
I agree though - no time. except in my case, I'm too mentally crapped out to appreciate the time i do have after work.
Mostly. not always the case.

11:11 AM  
Blogger Dare said...

The older we get???
What are you; like; 19????
You might play less video games and read less...but HEY - you write more and that's all that matters right?

4:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For me, time is what i am spending right now viewing your blog instead of writing a huge paper that is worth 50% of my mark. Then come Tuesday, the night before it is due, I will be complaining that I didn't have enough time to do it. So really, I should stop procrastinating and then actually have some time to enjoy. But it never works out that way. Procrastination just happens to be how I spend my time.

8:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I spend a lot of my time lamenting the time I wasted in my youth. Then I spend more time planning what to do with the time I have left.

12:20 PM  
Blogger Scribe of Dreams said...

I wasnt saying i was "Old" (i'm 23 by the way) i was saying older as in i am older now than i was 4 years ago type thing

12:24 PM  
Blogger Ericwipe287 said...

I find it very difficult to handle a single job and you are handling 2. Your life will sucked up dude.

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4:59 AM  
Blogger abcosplay said...

For me, time is what i am spending right now viewing your blog instead of writing a huge paper that is worth 50% of my mark. Then come Tuesday, world of warcraft goldthe night before it is due, I will be complaining that I didn't have enough time to do it. So really, buy cheap wow goldI should stop procrastinating and then actually have some time to enjoy. But it never works out that way. Procrastination just happens to be how I spend my time.

3:55 AM  
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6:32 PM  

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