Monday, October 30, 2006

An Intervention Is Requiered

I have a problem.

I cant stop spending money.

I have recently bought a new computer and so now i have to stop spending so much money on random stuff. Now that I am no longer working at HMV it will be easier for me to slow down the spending. I wont be buy all the cd's and dvd's that i have been for the last 5 months, and i wont be stopping at toys R us every time i go to the mall.

But its not enough. This weekend I was with my girl friend and we wentout for food 3 times, plus all the extra gas., plus halloween related stuff. we went to value village for costume stuff and i spent more money.

But i found the coolest thing. I found and bought a miniu cross-bow. real wood and metal and such, not just a plastic toy. Its so awsome. But as cool as it is, entirely un nessacary.

I admit it, I am addicted to spending money, i like "stuff" and "things" and I cant get enough.

And i still dont have all the stuff i need for my new computer. I need help. seriously. If you know me, and you see me spending money, smack me. I think i need to lock my credit card in a wooden chest and push it to the back under my bed, so i cant use it.

If you have any suggestions on how to go about curbing my spending they will be much a ppreciated.
His Head Exploded In A Aray Of Shapes and Colours


Blogger Dare said...

SMACK SMACK SMACK...that was fun and a little disturbing.
Hey - place your credit card in a tupperware container filled with water and place in freezer. If you need to make a purchase you must wait until it thaws...this way you are forced to THINK about the purchase.

3:13 PM  
Blogger Scribe of Dreams said...

That doesnt wreck the card?

3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at you, making excuses already. I have a method. DON'T GO TO THE MALL. Works for me. Do up a budget for spending money for a week, two weeks or the whole month. Take that money out of your account and put your debit/credit cards in a sealed envelope, stick it in your sock drawer and leave it there until next month.

8:50 AM  
Blogger Dare said...

Does not wreck card - unless you are impatient and put it in the microwave...then, the card tends to warp...just a little bit. Not speaking from experience or anything.

11:40 AM  
Blogger Dare said...

You have another problem.....GET WRITING. This is your friendly kick in the pants. And WHERE are you in the Google writing group?!?!?! Come on buddy.

9:58 AM  
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7:04 PM  
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8:03 PM  
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11:50 PM  
Blogger 三重古天樂 said...

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10:29 PM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...


9:16 PM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...

我在酒店上班的日子一位專業的酒店經紀?在酒店什麼叫做專業的經紀人呢? 我的認定是:誠信與能力。專業的酒店經紀人要具備甚麼樣的條件呢?不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因
1、酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?把現在市場、文化全部做了解後,針對女孩們的需求和尺度做最貼切的規劃。 挑選適合的店家類型(制服店、禮服店、便服店、鋼琴酒吧)、 適當的酒店上班時段
3、酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?酒店應徵妹妹的外在包裝和酒店上班之後的生活問題。 衣服、髮型、化妝、住宿與交通安排。
4、我梁小尊會不斷的觀察和了解女孩們對這間店的試應度和收入。 女孩們的上檯的情況,是否有賺到錢、是否習慣? 如有不習慣立即做處置。
5、了解女孩們的酒店上班情形及給予照顧和保護。 酒店工作後的突發狀況、生病、臨時請假、休檔、下檔。
6、酒店薪資的處理和罰款的了解。 除了將店家的票換成現金之外,也要注意上面的節數或金額有沒有正確。 或是莫名其妙的罰單,也要即時處理掉。
7、做為小姐的發言人。 因酒店小姐長時間待在店裡的關係,有些問題她也不便多發言。 而經紀人就可以站在她的立場幫他發言,這樣酒店兼差小姐又不會得罪店家的人,也不會委屈到!
8、酒店經紀給予經驗指導。 沒有人天生下來就會做酒店的! 有時因現場很忙,人手不足就會直接讓女孩們上戰場。 所以酒店經紀在公關上班前就會先教導新人, 公關的基本職責跟應對方法讓新人能夠在短時間內進入狀況。
9、給予女孩們心理建設。 酒店工作公關的職業病就是越做會越空虛。 因為每天服務形形色色的客人,所須扮演的角色也因客人的不同而有改變。 因此常為了迎合壓抑自己的情緒,這時後酒店經紀就是公關抒發情緒的一個管道, 給予輔導、教育。 以下是我們梁曉尊專業酒店經紀公司的網站

10:33 AM  

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