Friday, June 08, 2007

Its Friday

Yup another Friday afternoon, and I am updating my blog.

I have decidced against a full detail of the trip as I have been telling it all week. and If you look back you will be a break down of the trip as it was planned.

instead here is a much condesed version.

The First train to Vancouver was 2 hours late, but absolutly beuatiful.

Vancouver was wet but fun, didnt do much the first night, just walked around and got wet. Got a decently nice hostel for both nights in the city.

victoria: 6+ hours of travel round trip and about 6 in the acctuall city. Some great street performers, some beautiful buildings, all in all a nice relaxing day in a great place.

Vancouver again. much nice day, wandering around the GIANT china town district. sadly we were unable to visit with the couple friends I have there.

3 days on the train: this was beautiful, lots fun, lots of movies, great people, decently comfortable seats.

the BAD part of the trip. the train getting to Toronto was 5 hours late, we missed out bus, got kicked out of the train station and had to spend 4-5 hours sitting at a 24 hour tim hortons, before being allowed into the bus station the following morning. It makes a great story, but the thing is, we have recieved NO explination as to why this happned, we were stranded in downtown Toronto, with no compisation. I will be on the phone with via customer service for the next long while i Garuntee you that.

Bus to barrie. Sleep off the all nighter. spend a day with family friends, and some really great kids, jumping on a tramoline, washing laundry and just relaxing.
back to toronto. do some shopping, buy the most kick ass shirt and found the most kick ass comic shop.
At 2:00 we went to the Queen: We Will Rock You Musical. I was set up for this to suck. It had so much potential to do so. but it was Awsome. the seats seriously could not have been better. and yes i will say it. They did in fact rock me.
next I got together with my awsome newfies friend that I have not seen for close to 5 years. we went out for dinner and just visited for hours. then we went to a super late movie. then pulled another all nighter before getting on another train... this time to Ottawa.

With the arrival in ottawa, came the return of Hockey. Day one of the Stanley Cup Finals and the city was electrified. We did some shopping, saw the cool buildings and got to hold 300,000 dollars in solid gold. Stayed in another hostel. then it was off to Montreal.

Our time in Montreal was limited. We went to the Gardens, visited with a friend and that was about it, then off to Quebec.

We walked to the Hotel, and I suprised Amy with staying at the Quebec equvilant to the Banff Springs hotel. They upgraded are room, which was awsome. the next morning we had a large number of miss-adventures in the city trying to find things I remebered from 2002. Then it was on one last train to Halifax.

This was another Via rail gong show. but i wont bother getting into it.

In halifax we saw some sights, watched a movie, saw the atlaantic and then got a really expensive Cab to the Airport. Spent some hours there, then got on the plane for home.

and thats really it. it summery. Via rail the company sucks, via rail the acctual ride is cool. I miss my old friends and didnt get to see enough of them that I wanted. If i lived intoronto I would be seeing the Musical as often as possible. I live in the wrong part of the country. We didnt have enough time in a lot of place, and way to much in some.

If your going to take the train, dont plan to make lots of stops in all the cities, its was to stressfull. but if you are interested in following in my footsteps, I can give you a pretty good, slightly used, out line of a 14 day trip.

thats it, time to finish up and head home.


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10:45 PM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...

2020.05.16酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容如果妳沒有接觸過酒店這八大行業,【酒店經紀梁曉尊】我在酒店上班的日子相信包括妳在內,很多人對這行業的第一個想法一定是:「酒店裡面酒店小姐一定有S?一定是龍蛇混雜,裡面 八大行業是哪八種行業呢?的人都是黑社會吸毒!打架、暴力脅迫女生陪睡…」等等電視上看來的畫面。
其實這跟【酒店經紀梁曉尊】所接觸的職場須知 【酒店PT 】酒店的實際情況有很大的出入。梁曉尊在酒店這行業已經有多年的經驗,到是從來沒有在如此黑暗的酒店工作過,或許妳聽人說到「酒店打工的小姐,如果客人看上了酒店小姐想帶小姐出去,公司就一定會強迫小姐出場!」而事實上就算是十幾年前的老酒店業也很少有這個情況更不用說當今Google資訊如此發達的年代,而且酒店小姐的來源幾乎掌控在酒店經紀人的情況下,如果有酒店以如此方法對小姐施以逼嚇之手段,一定會讓酒店經紀人對這家店嗤之以鼻,為了保護旗下小姐,沒有人會帶經紀小姐去那種店上班,酒店當然不會笨到為了一個小姐出場強迫小姐做她不想做的事而導致店方得罪酒店經紀人,沒有經紀人要帶小姐來這家酒店,導致這家酒店沒小姐來吸引客人,沒客人的結果就是關門大吉!

2:09 AM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...


11:27 AM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...


1:54 PM  

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