Friday, May 04, 2007

Freaky Friday

Well, not really anything freaky about it, i just needed a title.

Its after 5, work is over, but I am waiting for Amy to arrive in town before we go to Spider Man 3 with M & M.

I got a new cd acctually came out back in feb/march, but I just got it.

So i am going to give you a review of it.

Korn MTV Unplugged.

The MTV Unplugged series is a little hit and miss. Some great shows have been recorded but never released, others have been released but sucked. Luckily there are also those that kicked ass and were released. Luckily, I feel that Korn is one of those.

Now many people have been less than impressed with Korn most recent string of albums...basically anything since Follow the leader. I on the other hand like all of it.

Now and accoustic albnum is somthing of a differant story. This is a band that collectivly normally has 19 strings, a drum set and a dedicated singer, all of whom deffinetly have thier dials turned up to 11. and are considered the fathers of "nu-metal"

The albums starts out with a signature track and one of Korns most popular. Blind,. there is heavy emphisis on the percusion element of this song, I found Johnathans voice paticularily stong on this track, its nice to here a track from the early angry screaming korn. love the instrumental at the end.

With out a break the band moves right into Hollow life, which takes on a very errie, melodical sound, even more so than the original. by being slowed down and having the volume dropped, this song while keeping the original idea, takes it further and to a simple and at the same time more complex place

Amy lee from Evanescene is introduced for a duet version of korns biggest hit, Freak on a leash (see previous posting), which is also the only single thus far. As much as I love korn, and as much as I love Amy lee. this colaberation had much more potential than result. Not to say I dont like it, i do very much. but it could have been even better. For me the song kind of falls apart from 2:45-3:10, when normally john goes nuts All we get is him saying "go" over and over again, while amy does her opera-chanting that see is so damn good at....I felt a little ripped off by the lack of john involvement, but the rest is about as good as it gets.

the next track in Falling away from me , this song began as a powerfull anthem about anti-abuse (the video had the number for the kids help phone at the end). Although the errieness returns and the power of the message is presented in a differant way, i felt that it lost the same impact. However the entire band player very well on this track.

This is like a dream come true. a fave band covering a fave song. Korn singing Radioheads Creep after a small dedication from Johnathan. This is notthing short of amazing. They capture the original as only korn could., sad, strong, defient..amazing.. i would love to here a studio version of this.

Love Song a track from the most recent Korn album. Hard, heavy, angry, just unplugged, not much else to say about it.

Got the Life: I have to admit that my expectations for this song may have been a little high. This was THE song that got me into korn. I love this track, its one of my faves. It was performed well, but i think the percusion and everything became to cluttered, there was too much going on for an accoustic track....maybe its just not the same with out John wearing that bright green fur trench coat and it lacked the "rum-biddy-boo" thing

Twisted transistor /coming undone these 2 songs are newer songs, so havent been around as long to have developed as much of a place in my heart , so i cant critique them as much. hoever Twisted transistor lent it self paticularily well to the accoustic intruments, the rythem was perfect for it. of the 2, TT was better.

The next track is a medly of sorts, Make me bad, and In between days.The second colaberation of the set, this time with Robert Smith and the Cure. Not sure waht exactly to say about this one. John Davis had a marilyn manson esqu drawl for parts of the song, it started out as make me bad with Roberts smith on background then flawlessley moved into "in between days", with John on Backing vocals, then back again. it could very well have been one song originally. Beautifull. (as a side note I make a great Roberts smith for 80's parties.)

The final track was Throw me away. It starts out with a japanese taiko drum set. which was very cool. I felt this was an odd track to finish the set with. but it was done very well, again though, maybe a little too much going on with the percusion and other stuff. COuld have been toned down.

and thats how the disc ends. There were a few more track recorded that for one reason or another are not included: thoughtless, dirty, and no ones there. I would have liked to seen thoughtless if notthing else. All in all i quite like the disc and think it was a fitting rebirth to the MTV unplugged i just want the dvd.

I promis ethe next review i do will not be a complete track by track break down, i just had lots of time tonight.


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