Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Trip of the century

okay so i lied about the whole "update on friday" thing. but not on purpose. I had the following entry all typed up and the the internet died (gerri halliwell is at it again)

First of all let me say that the planning of this trip has been a logistic nightmare, and you will see why as you read it.

So with out further adeu, here is an in depth description of my first trip taken with acctual "vacation time" with my lovely Girlfriend

May 18th: after work. We will finish our packing and then ake are way to Edmonton, where we will spend the night at a friends.

May 19th: We will get up bright and early and head to the Via Rail train station where we will board our first of many trains at 8:55am, Where will will spend the next 24 hours on our way to vancouver.

May 20th: we arrive in Vancouver and will spend the entire day, touristing and visiting with friends, and dipping a toe in the Pacific ocean and then we will spend the night there. (lodgings TBD)

May 21st: Getting up early and taking the Ferry to Vancouver Island to Spend Victoria day in *GASP* Victorian, and then taking the last ferry Back and Spending another night in Vancouver (lodgings TBD)

May 22: Most of the day spent in Vancouver doing some last touristing/visiting and then its on the Train at 5:30 PM.

May 23-24: these 2 days will be spent entirely in the train from Vancouver through to Toronto.

May 25th: Arrive in Toronto at 8:00pm. We will then get ona Bus at 10:00pm to Barrie Ontario where we will spent the night at an old family friends place.

May 26th: This entire day will be spend in Barrie, visiting, relaxing, washing clothes and restocking on snacks and we will spend the night again.

May 27th: Bright and early we take a bus back to toronto. we will have a couple hours to do what ever. At 2:00 we will be seated to watch the Queen: We Will Rock You Musical. After the show we will hit young street, much music, the CN Tower and other touristy things, and then catch a late movie (shrek 3 , pirates 3, spiderman 3). The idea is to kill as much time as possible before heading to the train Station where we will spend a few hours. because the train leaves early.

May 28th: We will take the train to Ottawa early. In ottawa we will go to a few museum, see all the cool building, head to the parliment and such. and we will spend the night. We have not decided where yet. A friend may be able to get me a sweet deal on a hotel, if not we will stay at the International Hostel which is in the old Prison. You acctualy sleep in the old cels complete with bars.

May 29th: We take the train to Montreal. Where we will spend around 8 hours with friends and doing a couple touristy things. We would have gone to Cirque Du Solie, but they are randomly closed that Tuesday. We leave for and arrive in Quebe City in the early evening. We then check into our beautiful Hotel and have some down time to relax and such.

May 30th: We will spend most of the day in Quebec city, seeing the sites, wandering old Quebec, Maybe do some shopping, and going to all the cool places I remeber from when I was there in 2002., including the coolest little resteraunt ever. We will get back on 1 final train at 9:00pm.

May 31st: After spending our final 18 hours on the train we will arrive in Halifax Nova Scotia at 4:30 in the afternoon. We will do some touristy stuff, go out for dinner, dip a toe in the atlantic ocean, do alot of time killing and go to the latest movie we can find (Shrek 3, Spiderman 3 or Pirate 3, whatever we havnt seen yet) As late as possible we will take the $50 cab ride to the airport.

June 1st: Arriveing at the airport as early as possible, we will kill some time before our 6:00am flight takes off. We have a brief stop in Toronto, where we get off one plane, board another and take off within 45 minutes. We will arrive back in Edmonton at just after 10:00am. At which point we will make our way back to Innisfail. The original plan was to spend the remainder of the weekend in Edmonton with friends, but i recently got an email from a more distant friend who is going to be in red deer that weekend, so we are going to visit with her instead. (although that could still change if she doenst get the time off)

June 2-3: these 2 days will be spent with one of my best friends, relaxing, and recouperating from the hectic journy.

June 4th: Back to work.

there you go: 8 provinces, almost every capital city in the country, 2 oceans, 6 trains, 2 planes, 2 buses, 2 ferrys, almost 8500 kilometers on land, approximetly 5000 more in the air, close to a dozen old friends, a musical, the tallest building in the world, countless tourist traps, and endless number of memories in 14 days.

So needless to say the planning of this trip is taking ALOT of my time.

next update: soon in regards to a major event in my life.


Blogger Creative Freakin' Genius said...

That's one hell of an itinerary. I'm sure you'll have a blast.

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't even begin to describe how freakin' jealous I am of you.

1) You're doing the thing I've dreamnt of doing for a million years but have be too freakin' poor to do it.

2) You're going to all the good places - all the places we had such good times... Toronto, Quebec City, Halifax... ahhhh... Totally unfair!

Anyway... the least you can do for this poor sap is say 'Hi' to everyone in Barrie for me. I can't even begin to imagine how much the kids must have grown...



5:53 PM  
Anonymous Nike shox said...

The same question always have different answers. But sometimes the same answers resolve many different problems.

1:49 AM  
Anonymous Nike shox said...

The same question always have different answers. But sometimes the same answers resolve many different problems.

1:49 AM  
Anonymous Tiffany Jewelry said...

You really need to apply it. Don't get lazy and assume that just since you read it, that you may get the maximum results. You can not. You truly need to work on this and in fact go ahead and promise to yourself that you'll do all you'll be able to to obtain the very best out of these consultants that you simply can.

11:33 PM  
Blogger 三重古天樂 said...

酒店經紀 酒店打工 酒店工作 酒店上班 酒店兼差 酒店兼職 打工兼差 打工兼職 台北酒店 酒店應徵 禮服店 酒店 經紀 打工 兼差便服店 酒店時間 酒店薪水 酒店經紀公司 酒店內容 美式餐廳 咖啡廳

10:40 PM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...


12:04 PM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...


1:18 PM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...

PS:因為男友一定早晚會知道(如日夜顛倒 其他男生來電 收入增加 有時全身酒味...等)如果他有能力...妳何需如此??他知道了又不能改變什麼...除非他有能力改變妳的困境吧!!如果他能且有能力...那麼在決定去以前...跟他好好溝通一下比較妥當~!!或許他可以幫妳的!!夜生活表面看來光鮮亮麗...其實很多心酸苦楚是只有當事人自己清楚的!在這行妳更可以看清楚所謂"真實的人性"~!!

3:39 AM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...


11:12 PM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...

2020.05.30酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容酒店兼職:梁曉尊/梁小尊 打工上班前如何調整心態!!!
1.你是否真的下定決心了?!!在這裡上班職場須知 【酒店PT 】,有時必須承受些許心理壓力。心理壓力在於..外貌.手腕.應對.決心。絕大部分的女孩只會想到自己本身的立場卻沒有想到消費者的想法。不是每位女孩上班都一定能賺到錢,你決定賺多少,你又能學習多少。取決於妳的"態度"一旦下定決心,請收起無謂的想法,好好學習應該有的工作態度。
2.當你下定決心後,請注意...先約在公共場所(如麥當勞) 對談細節(要求對方提出負面因素 如會扣錢的事項有哪些)最少看三家店的環境(這樣才能知對方能力和自己多方考慮)切記千萬別第一天看環境就馬上工作(要回家多方思考再決定)有部分招募公關的廣告,寫上許多超高的金額利誘。事實上這些金額 真的是看個人努力而有所不同啊。不能說她們是講假的,但是沒有人一開始就能做到(那要很犧牲)。

3:08 PM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...


8:18 AM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...

不管是正在看,或已經看完 Netflix《華燈初上》的朋友,應該都對劇情當中神秘的「酒店打工條通」、「酒店上班」文化感到非常好奇吧?日式酒店小姐們酒店上班賣的真的只有「曖昧」嗎?應徵酒店小姐需要具備什麼技能?八大行業裡「這個酒店工作」工作居然最難勝任?今天 MF 請來「酒店工作條通媽媽桑」席耶娜為大家全盤解答,一窺神秘的秘辛!

12:16 AM  

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